What's My Mission?

What’s My Mission?
Before we go any further, I will stress that doing a life audit without a clear goal or idea regarding how you want your life to align, will not be effective.
In order to make an effective life audit and truly maximize your chances of achieving happiness and purpose, you must first have a clear idea of how you want your life to appear and feel afterward. Some people call it a ‘mission’, some people a ‘vocation’, others a ‘calling’. No matter what word you use to describe it, it all comes down to the sense of purpose, fulfillment, and achievement we receive from integrating and balancing our work with our personal lives and personal goals.
It might be that you see yourself cultivating a ‘healthier lifestyle’ - that’s great, but what does it entail? Vaguely labeling what you want greatly DECREASES your chances of achieving your goal. To succeed, you must dig deep, examine your wishes, be critical and detailed in your approach to how you create your plan of action.
A personal mission statement will help you articulate your values and beliefs, determine your personal definition of success, and share your talents with the world. It will generate a sense of clarity and focus around what it is you’re trying to achieve by doing a life audit.
The crucial thing to note here is that everybody’s mission statement will be different. No matter what field you work in, what your personal life looks like, or what your goals are, there is one key fact- You have to find your WHY!
Check out this article on the importance of having a personal mission statement:

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